About Me

Hello there! I'm Anna Sun (yes, there is a Walk The Moon song with the same name and it's a banger).

I'm a creator at heart. I love ideating and creating innovative solutions to the world's problems using design. I still have much to learn and lucky for me, I love learning. You will always find me trying new things and meeting new people because I believe broadening your experiences and your knowledge is the way towards living a fulfilling and interesting life.


I'm originally from the Bay Area but I'm currently receiving a degree in Business Administration at the University of Southern California, with a minor in Designing for Digital Experiences and a minor in Computer Programming.

Fun! Facts!

I have a huge obsession with goldfish, opting to spend my time scrolling through goldfish store websites looking at their $300 fancy goldfish.

My favorite color is periwinkle. A close second is sakura pink.

My favorite activity outside of artsy stuff is either skateboarding or playing Valorant with friends.

She's awesome.
E: a.annasun02@gmail.com
P: (925) 523-8209